Celebration of Life

Moving beyond my pain and celebrating life.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

My children...

This picture was taken a couple of years ago but no matter how old my children get or how much older I get, my pride never dissipates; it only grows. My children have always made me proud and they certainly have a lot to be proud of. I love you two, so very much.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Lupines of my life...

Lupines have a very special place in my heart and in my childhood memories. Lupines grew
wild every spring in the Big Horn Mountains, growing up. They were one of the first signs that winter was over and summer was on its way. Over the years, I would watch for the Lupines in the Spring. I am looking forward to their bursts of color this spring.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I have been thinking.....

maybe I should abandon my blogs and just spend my extra time on facebook.

Friday, January 8, 2010


To me, family is more than a blood relation; it is a kinship between members. I have blood relation I have never met. Are they family? Yes, of course but I have no kinship with them. I have close blood relation that I wish I never met. Are they family? No, because we have no kinship or friendship. I have close friends that are more like family (close in kinship) than some of my own blood relatives. We can choose our friends but we can't choose our family. However, we can choose what kind of relationships to have with our family.


Friday, January 1, 2010


Today is a new day, a new year, a new decade in the span of my life.
As I ponder my accomplishments, my unfinished projects, the decisions I have made, I can not help but wonder about the "if only I had" s or the "if I had only said"s. Then again, I have many kudos and blessings in my life that bring me joy.
As I reflect on my life I can see I still have so much to accomplish. Now it is time to stop reflecting and get to work on the new year's goals.