My work and travel schedule is full for the next two months. Next week I will be in Seattle for a conference on Battered Women and the Effects on their Children. Shortly after I get back, I will be teaching in three different places around Wyoming on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault.
The Silent Witness State Initiative will be in Jackson Hole, this year. I have attended one National Initiative in Washington D.C. and almost all of the State Initiatives since 1999. It is a hard ceremony to attend because it seems like going to a funeral every year. There is a silhouette for every woman murdered in Wyoming in a domestic violence homicide. Many of you are aware that our sister Beckie and her three sons were murdered in November of 1990 by her 15 year old stepson. This is the reason I got into the field of Victim Services and have continued it as my life's work.
The project started in 1990 as an awareness campaign to help reduce the rate of domestic violence homicides nationwide. I am not sure if it has actually helped reduce DV homicides but, I do know since its inception it has helped get more people and more disciplines involved in the work.
As long as there are people who think they have the right to have power and control over other people and that they are entitled, there will be domestic violence.
The seasons change, the cycle of life continues and there is nothing we can do to change what is out of our own personal control; we can change our own perspective on violence and choose not to tolerate violence in any form in our own life.
Celebrating life,
At September 12, 2008 at 3:52 PM ,
Velvet Ginger said...
Safe travels and prayers to you my Jo Jo. Good reminder, we need not forget or turn our backs.
Love you!
At September 12, 2008 at 5:59 PM ,
San said...
A wise post, Jo. Your work is important and I honor your dedication to your principles.
Sending you love during your travels...
At September 12, 2008 at 8:21 PM ,
Deb said...
Hi Jo ~ I am sending you positive thoughts and thank yous for all you are doing to educate on this issue. You are making a difference - even if you aren't always aware of it. Take care.
At September 14, 2008 at 12:21 AM ,
Ellie Creek Ellis said...
i wished i could make it.
At September 14, 2008 at 2:16 PM ,
Celebration of Life said...
Good girl: Thanks for stopping by!
RJ: Thank you Rubye Jean and yes none of us should turn our backs but hold out a helping hand!
San: Thank you, my dear friend. Sometimes the work gets dreary but I keep marching on!
Deb: I am thankful for your positive energy and kind words!
Ellie: I wish you could be at the SWI and Seattle with me!
Loves and hugs to all!
At September 14, 2008 at 10:53 PM ,
Sue said...
I have often posted on Ellie's site...thought I would take a peek at yours...nice thoughts..honest which I very interested in your job...We had a victim service lady form Missoula help us with a past death..Wonderful lady..may I continue to follow your writings, I always like a good writer...
At September 15, 2008 at 6:24 AM ,
BBC said...
The weather has been great here and I'm really enjoying it, for as long as it lasts.
I pretty much avoid THE INSANE CHICKS SOCIETY (TICS). A lot of them are just asking to be battered, not that they can see that. They are not like the wise old Helen.
I've been doing all the camping I can, getting out in places like I do when camping is the only places I can find sanity, everything else is just frigging insane.
At September 15, 2008 at 7:56 AM ,
Celebration of Life said...
I was going to delete your comment but decided that I needed to comment on it.
No one likes to or wants to be battered. One reason why battering has gone on over the centuries is because of misinformation as you just gave. There is no "The Insane Chicks Socieity."
No one deserves to be battered. It's never the victims' fault; the fault is the batterer's. When we blame the victim, we are not holding the batterer accounatable.
At September 15, 2008 at 7:58 AM ,
Celebration of Life said...
Sue: Welcome and come back anytime. Ellie is my Sis as is Velvetginger. I will pop over and visit you sometime!
At September 15, 2008 at 8:05 PM ,
A.Bananna said...
Be safe! I Love you!!!
I think that the work you do is wonderful. It is very important and every little bit helps! You are a strong woman and I admire you for that!
At September 15, 2008 at 10:36 PM ,
Jules~ said...
Jo, I have come back here over the past couple of days just to read your post again and again.
Thank you so much for what you do.
You are amazing.
At September 15, 2008 at 11:22 PM ,
Ellie Creek Ellis said...
yes, safe travels! love you much jo jo and thanks for all you do!
At September 16, 2008 at 7:33 AM ,
Celebration of Life said...
Jules: Thanks for coming over and visit; please come back anytime!
A.Bannana: Thank you, love you too!
Ellie:I haven't even been here 24 hours and I miss Wyoming already!
At September 16, 2008 at 8:39 AM ,
Velvet Ginger said...
Oh Jo, sorry you miss home but it's a great thing you are doing.
Again prayers and well wishes of safe journies go out to you.
I also think you did good by not deleting ignorance but excercising freedom of speech
At September 16, 2008 at 3:35 PM ,
Unknown said...
Hi Jo,
Hope you're having safe journeys and meeting lots of nice people. As always, thanks for the hard work you're doing. Love you!
At September 17, 2008 at 8:16 PM ,
Ellie Creek Ellis said...
how are things going?
At September 17, 2008 at 11:37 PM ,
Celebration of Life said...
Seattle is an amazing place with many sights. Today, I went to the Space Needle and bought some trinkets. Thursday, I go home. Friday I will be gone again teaching over the weekend. Monday, I get the fun task of going to the dentist and Tuesday I am going to the Parole Hearing for Beckie's killer...
At September 18, 2008 at 2:50 AM ,
Unknown said...
Yes, fall is quickly arriving. Thank you for reminding me that October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. I always write posts on the subject.
At September 18, 2008 at 11:54 AM ,
myonlyphoto said...
Jo, our line of work is a great contribution to the society, we may not see results immediately, but I am sure in the future it will get better. Thanks for sharing your insights, and good luck with your travelling. Anna :)
At September 18, 2008 at 11:57 AM ,
myonlyphoto said...
Jo, I meant 'your line of work', lol. thanks, Anna :)
At September 22, 2008 at 6:55 AM ,
Millennium Housewife said...
Well done for not deleting BBC's comment, it shows a lot about how some people think and how much work needs to be done to change fundamental attitudes. I think the most interesting thing about his comment is that I don't think he realises what he has said, an ingrained thought process perhaps that you challenged beautifully. I've really enjoyed you posts, came over from David's MH
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