Celebration of Life

Moving beyond my pain and celebrating life.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Progression...Boar's Tusk...#3

The lighting isn't quite right for the picture but you can see where I have blocked in the road and started sagebrush patches. I used red for the dirt becuase they do not call it the Red Desert for nothing! :o) Thanks Gary K. for your suggestions on the colors. I also worked on the clouds and rainstorm a bit more. I can not wait until I paint in the lightning; I am saving that for very last. It will be like putting the cherry on top of the sundae! :o)



  • At March 9, 2010 at 6:50 AM , Blogger Gary Keimig said...

    Doin' just great Jo. Like how you put that road over that little horizon line. good idea. Now the fun part huh?
    Yep. Red does it. Were you ever in the Honeycomb Buttes area? Or Chain of Lakes? I spent a lot of time just west of Bairoil to Jeffrey City and sout to Wamsutter. A lot of time too in the Oregon Buttes area.

  • At March 9, 2010 at 6:55 AM , Blogger Celebration of Life said...

    I have not been that far into the Red Desert. Mostly I have been south of the Interstate exploring the Overland Trail area. There's a lot of area and one could get easily lost if they didn't know where they were going!

  • At March 9, 2010 at 7:54 AM , Blogger San said...

    Jo, I've always enjoyed roads and paths in the foregrounds of paintings, the way they pull the viewer into the painting.

    This is looking beautiful! Let the lightning strike...


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